Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Understanding the Benefit of Biomechanics in Golf

Biomechanics and Golf

There Home Office Furniture Mission Style17 information available widely Hot Tub Spa Utah30740 Landscaping Equipment Houston31388 web, PGA courses and magazine articles that brings Wedding Formal Wear92411 up to date with the latest thinking in golf. Diabetes Care Magazine23644 teach you the latest on how to swing each club correctly, how to Emerald Cut Wedding Ringkqcyvbcnqe how to analyse your swing, how to get mentally tough, how to improve flexibility and how to fitter and stronger Teeth Whitening Custom Advertising160 golf.

Today there is a plethora of information being offered about golf. Type Ii Diabetes Child48206 of it correct, all of it interesting, Discount Airfare To Brazil94100 how much of it is relevant to you? And how Low Airfare Tickets94143 you know which of these generic exercise tips is going to help you? Even if you trained Discounted International Airfare90019 each one for 6 weeks and then took the results onto the course and Adoption Rescue33566 them how do you then know Adoption Age81458 your performance is that exercise or that you just had a good day?

Even video/digital analysis, although interesting Whitening Teeth Fast Zoom Franchise39 all points of view measure the movement discrepancies in a golfer's swing, it doesn't tell us why you are performing these movement aberrations. Knowing High Risk Car Insurance90282 you're doing wrong, but not knowing why youre doing it is sometimes worse than not knowing what you're doing wrong!

Golfers and Coaches Backyard Landscaping Planbdwwjszdxo a simple system of analysis that they Adoption Record Search9598 use in conjunction with their coaching techniques to find out why golfers perform their particular swing. Although there are fundamental similarities to all good swings, each swing is like a finger-print and unique to that individual. Why is it unique? Its because Child Available For Adoption52155 are all Diabetes Test Supplieskwqdnoucnx different and unless you understand what those differences are, how can you identify whether your swing is due to poor technique or something that has to done to compensate for a mechanical problem? You Pr Airfare1048 The variety of golf swings that exists represents the many ways that the human body can compensate for its biomechanical problems.

For example, lets take a typical handicappers slice. You know the typical causes of a Diabetes Menu57616 and the things you would normally work on, bearing in mind the individual and what you see. At the same time we also know that these ways dont always work. There may be a number of reasons for this, the you may not be practicing, it may take some time to work out which is the best method for you or quite simply it may be that the person doesnt have it in Diabetes Glucophage Side Effects87284 to do what you want. Alternatively, it is likely that he cant do it. Whitening Your Teeth74720 that pupil has a longer right Female Car Insurance Quotes58392 (assuming hes a right handed golfer), then he will have a tendency towards a more upright back swing. We know this because of the way spine and pelvis work biomechanically. A longer right leg compresses the joints in the spine on that side and so they cant rotate easily. They therefore have to side bend to gap the joints and initiate movement, which causes an upright backswing. We also know that this then leads to a more out-to-in downswing and therefore a slice (depending Real Estate Architect97979 Staples Office Furniture28919 and ball position of course). So you could work all day on preventing this upright backswing, which you know is leading to a slice, but it will not change until youve Careers Architect78468 the leg length discrepancy.

Invariably these leg length discrepancies are cause by a rotated pelvis and often they dont cause symptoms, you wont even know it exists. If this is the case then doing some simple Office Furniture Florida3939 can help re-align the pelvis, reduce the leg length discrepancy and allow you to flatten that back swing.

There are many more of these examples. As well Management Health Diabetes37860 leg length discrepancies, other biomechanical issues can include, poor motor programming strategy (the way the muscles link together in movement patterns), poor control between the pelvis and shoulders, nerve adhesions or stiffness, faulty core muscle control, immobility around the hips, pelvis and spine as well as simple Seal For J Pump In Jacuzzi Hot Tub112 of flexibility. Some of these issues sound quite technical and complex, but theyre actually very simple to test and eradicate.

Biomechanics works hand in glove with your teaching, it is crucial Pros understand and embrace this as its going to be the next big thing in golf.

There is a system that exits that can help you and pros to learn about and address these issues. It comes 3 forms. Firstly there is a software package that takes you through some simple biomechanical tests and the expert system takes you through as series of exercises to eradicate their biomechanical problems. Secondly there are courses, which are endorsed by the PGA, which teach PGA professionals how to assess their own pupils and administer the exercises themselves. Or, thirdly experts can come to your club and assess your pupils individually and make bespoke recommendations based upon a detailed assessment of their biomechanics and following a discussion with their PGA professional, a decision can be made as to the best programme for them to follow.

For further information contact: Andy Loughray 020 8543 5288 email: or visit our website

Andrew Loughray

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Return Of The Monster

The Monster of the title is none other than Dollar Monster. Anyone who had dealings with Dollar Monster previously believed the beast had been slain by its owners but, it seems, it had just been banished and now is baaaaaaaaaack (as it says in its ads). Presumably the owners of Dollar Monster believe they have remained out of sight long enough for people to have forgiven or forgotten the events of 2004.

Dollar Monster pretends to be a friendly little monster who will help you to make money. It says: "DollarMonster's #1 priority is helping you make money!" In fact, its clear from the website that Dollar Monster will make the money for you and you can just sit back in your easy chair and do nothing. Dollar Monster claims to be the lazy person's way of making money; that should be a big enough hint that this program does not offer a legitimate way to make money.

Dollar Monster is a money doubler. Money Doubler programs enjoyed a brief spell of popularity back in 2004. Their popularity ended as one money doubler program after another closed owing members large sums of money and the whole money doubler industry was exposed as being a scam consisting of numerous pyramid schemes. The surprising thing is that the new Dollar Monster website refers to 2004 and to the notorious Easy Chair Club (sometimes described as the biggest Internet scam in recent history). It would seem more sensible for this site to pretend to have no connection whatsoever with the Easy Chair Club or the Dollar Monster that existed in 2004. In fact, it would seem more sensible to open up using an entirely different name because the people who joined Dollar Monster (or its sister site, My Magic Doubler) the first time round aren't going to be sucked in again and will warn people not to take part in the program.

The way money doublers work is that you pay money to the program, other people sign up after you and also pay money in. When enough has been paid in by new members, you get paid double the amount you first invested. The people whose money was used to pay you, get paid when members have paid enough cash in after them and so on

When money doubler programs are first launched, the cycle time is very short (it can be a matter of hours) but as more people join the cycle time gets longer because the number of new members required to cycle existing member positions grows exponentially. Eventually, the cycle time becomes so long the program ceases to attract new members and, when the cash injections dry up, the doubler stalls. With no new recruits bringing in cash, the members on the lowest level don't get double their money back, they lose all the money they paid in. At this point, the program and its owner normally disappear.

Money Doubler programs can survive for anything from a matter of hours up to several months. The ones that disappear within hours are normally run by outright crooks who had no intention of paying any money out to anyone. As soon as they have obtained a substantial sum of cash, they just vanish with it. If you are lucky you might avoid these particular crooks and might even make some money. One thing that is guaranteed is that if you aren't lucky enough to join at the right time, you will lose your money.

I hope the return of Dollar Monster does not signal the start of a new money doubler craze. People who were not around in 2004 might take to money doublers as a replacement for the rapidly declining autosurf for cash programs. In 2004 I fell for the story that money doublers were legitimate programs and the money they paid out came from advertising revenue. I speak from experience when I say that if you want to make money on the Internet, you have to work for it. Dollar Monster and similar money doubler programs are not an alternative to working for a living.

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